Chinese call "Terracotta Warriors" as 兵马俑. 兵-Soldier, 马-Horse, 俑 - Figurine.
The characters in the artwork
1, Soldier - big seal script
The top is Axe, a weapon in ancient time. The bottom two fork alike are two hands holding the Axe.2, Vehicle - shell bone script
3, Horse - small seal script4, Figurine - big seal script
The left is Person, the right is a man-made figure (big or small, pottery or porcelain)In comparison, let's see the real Terracotta Warriors
In the picture, we only see the soldier figurines, no vehicles, because vehicles decayed, long time ago. There are some Horse figurines, but so few, and too far to see in the picture.
The artwork shows all: soldiers, vehicles, and horses.