Sunday, March 15, 2020

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (45) Geese flying south - 雁南飞

The bronze script (3000+ years ago) for character Fly or Flying is

which is a flying bird.

Every years, hundreds thousands geese fly from north to south in fall, Chinese call it as "Geese flying south".

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (44) Internet - Inter网

The shell bone script (3000+ years ago) for Chinese character of Net is

Which is a net, most likely a fishing net.

The small seal script (2200+ years ago) for character Net is

which is more like a tennis net.

The current song typeface for Net is

It means exactly as English "Net", also Chinese call Internet as 因特网, in which 因特 is just a pronunciation of Inter, and 网 is Net. So here is my artwork

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (80) Thinking Elephant - 想象

There were elephants living in Yellow River region about millions years ago. The weather changed, the forest disappeared, and elephants vani...