Thursday, July 14, 2016

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (14) The moon in the river -弯弯的月亮

The post has been collected in the book "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" published on Amazon as Paper book (Hardcover, and Paperback), and eBook. You could click the following link to get the information on Amazon,

Or you could search "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" on Amazon to find the book.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (13) Mountain of flowers and fruits - 花果山

In the famous Chinese novel 《Pilgrimage to the West》, the Monkey King lived with many other monkeys in "Mountain of flowers and fruits". Chinese describe it as a paradise.

The Chinese for Mountain of flowers and fruit is 花果山。

花 is flower, its Big Seal script is

just like a flower.

果 is fluit, its Shell Bone script is

just like a fruit tree.

山 is mountain, its Shell Bone script is
just like a mountain.

In normal writing, people write the three characters up down, left to right, or right to left in same size. It is good. However, how about to change a little bit as following

 Now the root of flower and fruit are in the mountain, they form a mountain of flower and fruit.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (12) Beauty - 美女

Chinese translate Beauty as “美女”, beautiful lady.

美 means beautiful. The character of its Shell Bone script is

Which is combination of "sheep" on the top,

and a "big" on the bottom

Big Sheep is beautiful, ancient Chinese thought. Why? Possible big sheep means that you have more meat, or big sheep looks beautiful, or both.

Peking Opera has a type of headwear with long horn alike elastic whip on top.

Chinese believe that is beautiful.

The Shell Bone sccript of lady, or woman is

 which is a lady kneels down with two arms across in front of the chest because the low social status of women in the ancient time, even before a few decades ago.  

Here is my art work

on the left is 美 (beautiful) with long hair similar as Peking Opera headwear, and long legs; on the right is 女 (lady) who stands up with confidence and graceful posture because she is not in low social status anymore. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (11) Dancing stage - 舞台

The post has been collected in the book "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" published on Amazon as Paper book (Hardcover, and Paperback), and eBook. You could click the following link to get the information on Amazon,

Or you could search "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" on Amazon to find the book.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (10) Net ball = Tennis -网球

The post has been collected in the book "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" published on Amazon as Paper book (Hardcover, and Paperback), and eBook. You could click the following link to get the information on Amazon,

Or you could search "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" on Amazon to find the book.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (9) Tea pot, Liquor pot, and Water pot - 茶壶,酒壶,水壶

The post has been collected in the book "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" published on Amazon as Paper book (Hardcover, and Paperback), and eBook. You could click the following link to get the information on Amazon,

Or you could search "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" on Amazon to find the book.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (8) The frog in the well - 井底之蛙

"The frog in the well" is a famous Chinese proverb, which describes a person who is very limited outlook on the outside of world,  but doesn't know the fact that he is the kind person.

The Shell Bone script for Well is

The Small Seal script for Well is

The Small Seal script for Frog is

Here is my new calligraphy work: The frog in the well

The two dots in frog eyes were added by me to make it alive.

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (7) Where the water flows, a canal is formed - 水到渠成

Water in Shell Bone script is

four water drops on the sides of a curve, like an image of river. Ancient Chinese got water from the river.

The Chinese proverb says "Water drops form the river".

We see the image above, which is what ancient Chinese thought about water and river.

There is another Chinese proverb: When water flows, a river is formed.

Here is my art work:"Water and River"

All characters are Water of shell bone script, from small on the top to gradually bigger ones downward, which is similar to a river flowing from distance.

For learning the basic Chinese Calligraphy, please go to my YouTube videos starting the following,

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (80) Thinking Elephant - 想象

There were elephants living in Yellow River region about millions years ago. The weather changed, the forest disappeared, and elephants vani...