same as Chinese famous proverb "一飛冲天”。
The four characters are: 一 (one), 飛 (fly), 冲 (rush), 天 (sky).
which means "Once take off, fly and rush into the sky".
After a modification, with brush I created my Chinese calligraphy artwork "Soar up into the sky with one start" - Congratulations on the successful launch of Falcon 9!
Let's see the related characters.
The top is Arabic number 1 to express Chinese character One: 一, the big 1 on the top looks like the rocket of Falcon 9
The second is character Fly, its big seal script is
a flying bird on the sky.
The third is character Rush, its big seal script is
two dots on the left are water drops, and the right is character Middle/Center, the character means "In the middle of rushing river".
The fourth is character Sky, its small seal script is
The character Big:
formed by 人, which means human, plus two arms open, we got character Big.
Put a line on the top of the Big, we have the character Sky because over Big is Sky.
The character in the artwork is like the rocket launch fire on the bottom, push the Falcon 9 up.
Congratulations on the successful launch of Falcon 9!