Friday, October 28, 2016

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (19) Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat is the most important activity of Halloween. Children wear scary costumes to go neighborhood to ask for candy door by door in the evening. The most popular image used in costume is Ghost.

My Chinese calligraphy artwork "Trick or Treat!"

The characters involved in the artwork as follows.

The shell bone script for Moon is

The shell bone script of for Door is

The shell bone script for Ghost is

A big head man kneeled down.

The small seal script for ghost is

big head, soft legs and  hook- tail, a different ghost.

The art "Trick or Treat!"

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (18) Live in bamboo forest - 竹林深处

The post has been collected in the book "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" published on Amazon as Paper book (Hardcover, and Paperback), and eBook. You could click the following link to get the information on Amazon,

Or you could search "Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy" on Amazon to find the book.

Pictographic Chinese Calligraphy (80) Thinking Elephant - 想象

There were elephants living in Yellow River region about millions years ago. The weather changed, the forest disappeared, and elephants vani...